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2022.08——至今  www.3700.COm威尼斯  讲师

2016.09——2022.06  东北林业大学林学院 林木基因组学硕士、博士

2012.09——2016.06  周口师范学院生命科学与农学学院 学士



1)国家科技重大专项转基因生物新品种培育转基因杨树新品种培育及产业化研究, 2018ZX08020002,耐盐转基因黑青杨新种质创制,2018/01-2020/12182万元,已结题,参与。




  1. Cheng Z, Zhang X, Yao W, Gao Y, Zhao K, Guo Q, Zhou B, Jiang T. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase gene family in poplar. BMC Genomics. 2021, 22 (1).

  2. Cheng Z, Zhang X, Yao W, Zhao K, Liu L, Fan G, Zhou B, Jiang T. Genome-wide search and structural and functional analyses for late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) gene family in poplar [J]. BMC Plant Biology, 2021, 21 (1): 110.

  3. Cheng Z, Zhang X, Zhao K, Zhou B, Jiang T. Ectopic expression of a poplar gene NAC13 confers enhanced tolerance to salinity stress in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum [J]. Journal of Plant Research, 2020, 133 (5): 727-737.

  4. Cheng Z, Zhang X, Zhao K, Yao W, Li R, Zhou B, Jiang T. Over-Expression of ERF38 Gene Enhances Salt and Osmotic Tolerance in Transgenic Poplar [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10: 1375.

  5. Guo Q, Jiang J, Yao W, Li L, Zhao K, Cheng Z, Han L, Wei R, Zhou B, Jiang T: Genome-wide analysis of poplar HD-Zip family and over-expression of PsnHDZ63 confers salt tolerance in transgenic Populus simonii x P.nigra. Plant Science 2021, 311.

  6. Zhang X, Cheng Z, Yao W, Zhao K, Wang X, Jiang T. Functional Characterization of PsnNAC036 under Salinity and High Temperature Stresses [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22 (5): 2656

  7. Zhao K, Cheng Z, Guo Q, Yao W, Liu H, Zhou B, Jiang T. Characterization of the Poplar R2R3-MYB Gene Family and Over-Expression of PsnMYB108 Confers Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 571881.

  8. Zhao K, Zhang D, Lv K, Zhang X, Cheng Z, Li R, Zhou B, Jiang T. Functional characterization of poplar WRKY75 in salt and osmotic tolerance [J]. Plant Science, 2019, 289: 110259.

  9. Zhang X, Cheng Z, Zhao K, Yao W, Sun X, Jiang T, Zhou B. Functional characterization of poplar NAC13 gene in salt tolerance [J]. Plant Science, 2019, 281: 1-8.

  10. Zhao K, Zhang X, Cheng Z, Yao W, Li R, Jiang T, Zhou B. Comprehensive analysis of the three-aminoacid-loop-extension gene family and its tissue-differential expression in response to salt stress in poplar [J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019, 136: 1-12.